Novosize oxy

Novosize oxy

De-size or pre-treatment product for denim garment processing combined with ABS, lube and dye suspending agent. Highly sustainable products developed from natural/synthesized agro-waste. The processes can be combined with enzyme wash. One shot organic de-sizing formula performs better than the combination of chemicals in the enzymatic de-sizing process. The one-shot formula eliminates dye suspenders, modified amylase, lubrication agents, anti-back staining agents etc. In addition to cleaving the starch molecules in the alpha 1, 4 linkages, it can cleave the ring structure as well, providing smaller fragments. It also cleaves PVA sizes, formaldehyde and synthetic fixers which cannot be de-sized by enzymes. This process is considerably faster than the conventional process and saves time by combining both de-size and enzyme baths.

Technical Details



Technical Description

Application Guidelines


Product Certifications

we are having wide range of certifications.

Screen Chemistry
US EPA Safer Choice programme
Hazard Classifications for Chemicals Present in the Novo Size Oxy, TOX Lab Washington, DC

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Mon - Sat 8.00 - 17.00
Sunday Closed
Industrial Development Plot
Alappuzha, Kerala, India